Alba Towing are UK Suppliers of Trailers, Trailer Parts and Accessories, Towing Equipment, Towbars, Roof Racks and Snow Chains.
Trailer Parts & Spares
Alba Towing are UK suppliers of trailers, trailer parts and accessories, towing equipment, towbars and snow chains. We supply trailer parts, spares and accessories for most manufacturers.
With over 30 years experience in the trailer and towing industry we have gained a wealth of knowledge in identifying and supplying trailer parts and spares.
Towbar Supply & Fitting
We are agents for Towtrust, Witter, Brink & Westfalia towbars with a choice of flange, detachable or swan neck towbars.
We offer a first class professional towbar fitting service at our workshops in Perth and are a NTTA Quality Secured and Trusted Towbar fitting centre.
Trailer Servicing & Repairs
Alba Towing offer a comprehensive trailer servicing and repair facility at our workshop in Perth, with very competitive rates.
We service and repair all makes and types of trailers including Ifor Williams, Bateson, Brenderup, Brian James, Erde, Franc, Conway, and Trelgo.